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nineties - PeekYou Blog - Revolutionary People Search Technology
As the upcoming streaming video revival of Full House, and recent big budget film versions of Transformers, G.I. Joe, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles suggest, the 80s childhood memories of Generation Y are well and surely grist for the contemporary pop culture mill.
Of the vast many video game designers/developers indexed on PeekYou, which includes pretty much all of the industry’s best known and most legendary names, these 10 below are the folks with the highest PeekScores; our metric which gauges online prominence, impact, and influence.
Rap music, and the greater hip hop culture, permeate everything — films, TV, fashion, and vast quantities of popular music — and have done for decades now; to the degree where you could hardly parse out the influence. So much is the impact a given, that you could pretty much fairly define our western popular culture in pre and post-hip hop terms.
With the enormously well-attended New York Comic Con now well and fully underway in PeekYou’s hometown, and with the whole danged world continuing to be superhero happy, it appeared an especially excellent time to revisit and revive this list.
Grousing grinches be darned, long-standing New York Yankees shortstop, and future Hall of Famer, Derek Jeter, played his last home game on Thursday night, and it turned out to be quite the show.
Those of us who are not sports fans know quite a few luxuries. Chief among these are that we are not required to have any sort of opinion on Derek Jeter, and that we can pretty much forget altogether — if so inclined — that Keith Olbermann ever existed; his 2008 media moment now a distant memory.