The PeekScores of Twitter’s Founders

Twitter's 9th Birthday
Today, Saturday March 21, marks the 9th anniversary of Twitter’s first ever tweet being tweeted.

The company and the platform have always been great for us, and we consider this an auspicious occasion indeed. In honor of this anniversary, we’ve created a short list evaluating the online impact, influence, and presence of the social media stalwart’s founders.

Clicking on the items in the list below will allow you to explore the best of the digital footprint of each of these visionary gentlemen, via his PeekYou profile; comprised as they each are of home pages, business pages, social pages, videos, photos, interviews, articles, and much, much more.

Rank Picture Name Bio PeekScore

Jack Dorsey Also founded Square 8.29 / 10.00

Evan Williams Also co-founded Blogger and Medium 8.28 / 10.00

Biz Stone Co-created Xanga, Blogger, and Odeo 8.26 / 10.00

Noah Glass The “forgotten” founder. Also co-founded Odeo. 7.55 / 10.00