The Day the Owl Met the Swiffer

Swiffer and Owl
From the account of a YouTube user named Colton Wright (PeekYou profile here) comes one of those “simple pleasure” videos which takes just a few seconds to watch, but entertains wildly.

The tale is a simple one. Colton finds an owl in his home. As the first video embedded below reveals (really merely a prelude), he’s understandably disturbed by this, particularly as this large beast takes flight in his small kitchen.

The second video, however, is where things become necessarily viral; as everyone should learn of this trick, and behold Colton’s ingenuity. Using a Swiffer mop as a makeshift perch for Woodsy, he ever so gingerly guides the creature out of his home — the nocturnal bird of prey not once breaking horrific eye contact the whole time — terrified (as you will be too) that at any moment all heck is about to break loose.

Give these things a proper viewing, and then — as so many others have done the past couple of days — mail it on. Everyone’s got 30 seconds to spare to be a little freaked out by an owl.

First the frenzy:



And then the miraculous, and frankly terrifying removal (WARNING: PROFANITY… or, if you prefer, “fowl” language).