PeekScore Now More Granular

We have made some changes today to PeekScore. Now, when you click on a specific person’s listing, you will see that their PeekScore includes two decimal places (e.g. 5 could now be 5.26 for a specific user). A lot of people have asked us to include more granularity in PeekScore, as they wanted to have some differentiation between other people’s scores.

Our designers are in the process of updating the PeekScore badge to also include 2 decimal places as well. For now, badges will still show one digit for a person’s score. Also, we will not be rounding up scores that are .99. Thus for example, if a user has a score of 5.99, their score will be a 5, not a 6, on their badge. This will change once badges are updated to match the score’s granularity.

To learn more about PeekScore and it’s uses, please visit