No Abrams for ‘Star Wars Episode VIII’?

Today’s news, however, is a bit of a surprise to those who have been following the ongoing developments surrounding all Disney has planned for the obsessively beloved property’s theatrical future.
While director director J.J. Abrams (PeekYou profile here) is at work shooting Star Wars Episode VII, it seems it’s already been decided that he won’t be directing Episode VIII. According to Deadline, Looper director, Rian Johnson (PeekYou profile here), is currently “in talks” to helm the second flick in this newest Star Wars trilogy.
This news comes after recent announcements that hot, young filmmakers Josh Trank (PeekYou profile here), who directed 2011’s Chronicle, and Godzilla‘s Gareth Edwards (PeekYou profile here) have both signed-on to head-up stand-alone, spin-off films; to take place in the greater Star Wars universe, but outside of the main “Luke/Leia/Vader/Anakin, etc.” continuity.
You can keep up with previous Star Wars related leaks, rumors, and announcements, via our numerous blog entries on the subject here.
The image used above was taken, without asking, from Another Star Wars Blog. Please go pay them a visit.
And now, 14 minutes of Return of the Jedi toy commercials: