Kid Rock Defends Himself Against Charges of Racism
As Kid Rock‘s possible run for the Senate gains steam, he’s come under fire in his native Detroit for previous actions that have been perceived as being insensitive to the African-American community. He’s responded to the criticism by defending himself and firing a few shots of his own at the accusers.
“People! Pay NO attention to the garbage the extreme left is trying to create! (and by the way, f— the extreme left and the extreme right!),” he wrote on Facebook. “They are trying to use the old confederate flag BS, etc. to stir the pot, when we all know none of this would be going on if I were not thinking of running for office. Pretty funny how scared I have them all, and their only agenda is to try and label people / me racist who do not agree or cower to them!! No one had a word to say when we sold out the six shows at [Little Caesers Arena] back in January! My track record in Detroit and Michigan speaks for itself, and I would dare anyone talking trash to put theirs up against mine. I am also a homeowner and taxpayer in the city of Detroit, so suck on that too!”
A recent editorial in the Detroit Free Press called Rock’s six-night stand, which will open the new venue, a “sturdy middle finger to Detroiters.” They cite as examples…