Josh Duggar: Is He Creeping Back into the Duggar Spotlight?!

We haven’t seem much of Josh Duggar at all for over a year now.

And really, that’s the way it should be.

Josh pretty much defined hypocrisy when it came out that, despite all the time he’s spent preaching about the importance of family, he’d molested five young girls and cheated on his wife.

He spent several months at a rehabilitation center where we imagine he tried to learn not to be such a creepy, awful person, but there are some things you just can’t fix.

Duggar family Thanksgiving
But still, his family seems to think it’s really important to try.

Even though so many people — basically all of the people — have made it clear that they aren’t interested in seeing or hearing about Josh, Jim Bob and Michelle still went ahead and included him in their Thanksgiving festivities anyway.

See him up there on the far right, sitting on the floor while his poor wife, Anna, plays with a kid?

That’s not what anybody wants to see.

One person commented on the photo with “Awesome pictures except putting a scumbag like Josh in there ruins it. I would never forgive my husband if he did what Josh did.”

“Not happy about Josh in the pix at ALL,” another wrote.

Josh Duggar Pic

“Michelle and…