Faith No More Keyboardist Chronicles AIDS Bike Ride in New Opera

Faith No More keyboardist Roddy Bottum chronicles AIDS bike ride in new mini-opera. Mark Horton/Getty

Faith No More‘s keyboardist Roddy Bottum composed a mini-opera called The Ride, for the Experiments in Opera (EiO) “Story Binge” series, which premieres December 15th at New York City’s Merkin Concert Hall. The opera is about two gay men from different generations who bicycle from San Francisco to Los Angeles for an AIDS charity.

“The older generation of gay men who dealt with AIDS as a life threatening disease and were in the trenches for the first generation of the disease helped their friends get through life or death situations,” Bottum told EiO. “The generation of gay men today who are on PrEP drugs and TRUVADA don’t really view the disease as life…