‘Harry Potter’ Nerds Can Now Take Classes at Hogwarts

According to the ubiquitous BuzzFeed here, a collective of Harry Potter devotees have devised a free, online Hogwarts curriculum for the general public; described as part RPG and part MOOC.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, if you don’t know yet somehow still care, is the fictional school of magic attended by Harry Potter, and his cohorts, in the insanely popular series of books authored by J.K. Rowling (PeekYou profile here).

As one commenter on the BuzzFeed piece linked to above put it, “I sense a cease and desist in their future.” So, head over and check it out now while you still can, and head over to Ms. Rowlings PeekYou profile, where you’ll find links to mountains more Potter ephemera; both official and non.