Check Out these Elders Reacting to ‘Mortal Kombat X’

Elders React
Benny Fine and Rafi Fine are collectively and professionally known as The Fine Bros., and they are the owners of a number of extremely popular YouTube channels.

Their Kids React and Teens React (and Cats React, etc.) videos routinely go viral; depicting, as they do, folks contending with things — technologies, fashions, music, etc. — which are from outside of their demographic group’s specific realm of experience.

The clip blazing across the ether at the moment shows us a charming group of older folks forced to reckon with Mortal Kombat X; the latest installment in the famously gory fighting video game franchise.

It is genuinely pleasurable to watch these seniors — initially skeptical, as you’d imagine — enjoying themselves with a gruesome melee or two.

Check it out below, and then visit the Fine Bros’ PeekYou profiles for boatloads more media like it, strewn across the entire social media landscape.