Brad Pitt Appears on ‘Between Two Ferns’

Pitt and Galifianakis
Comedian Zach Galifianakis has returned with his popular web-based interview series, Between Two Ferns.

His last episode was back in March, and featured the toughest of acts to follow; none other than the President of our great nation, playing along with Zach’s deliberately pointed questions and awkward pauses.

This time around, however, Zach welcomed a man perhaps approaching the fame of Mr. Obama, although one not nearly so powerful; actor Brad Pitt.

As spoilers will follow, we’ll embed the clip here, let you check it out, and then continue:



With you having now watched it, we’ll continue…

The unexpected cameo from comedian Louis C.K., and the highly unexpected reference to Pitt’s ex Jennifer Aniston surely are the clip’s stand-out moments. All in all, however, an amusing watch of a bit that hasn’t quite gotten tired yet.

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